Cyber Security Summit at Europe House

Last week, the Dutch Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce organised the Cyber Security Summit at Europe House in Sofia. Topics that were addressed included cyber incidents, risks and defenses, compliance and ESG.

After a short opening by the Chair of the Dutch Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce, Jolanda van den Broek, Jasen Tanev got everyone captivated with an insightful and interactive presentation, after which Ivan Draganov highlighted the cyber threat landscape, understanding the risks and defenses.

To understand the legal implications, Valentin Savov spoke about compliance, regulations and penalties, after which Katerina Lyutakova closed the Summit talking about how Cybersecurity and ESG can and should go hand in hand.

The interaction and questions from the attendees have proven to us that this is an important and current topic through all sectors, and a more practical and hands-on approach is needed. We will be looking forward to providing more information and personalised advice to our members on this topic!